For all (new and existing) Work Permit, Training Work Permit and S Pass holders entering Singapore from 1 January 2021, you must arrange medical insurance with a coverage of at least $10,000 for their medical expenses if they develop COVID-19 symptoms or test positive within 14 days of arrival in Singapore. You need to buy the insurance before your workers arrive in Singapore.

For all new and existing employees and dependants, AXA will extend the COVID-19 coverage from Day 1 of their arrival in Singapore.

The terms and conditions for the coverage are as follows:

Existing employees and dependants

1. Applicable for all Foreign Workers on valid IPA, WP, S Pass, EP, DP or LTVP.

2. The employee/dependant must have continuous cover under the policy.

3. AXA will pay for relevant COVID-19 medical treatment(s) up to the policy limits under the current policy terms and conditions.

New employees and dependants

1. Applicable for all Foreign Workers on valid IPA, WP, S Pass, EP, DP or LTVP entering Singapore on or after 1 January 2021.

2. AXA will pay for relevant COVID-19 medical treatment(s) up to the policy limits under the current policy terms and conditions.

3. Effective date of this coverage will be the date of arrival in Singapore and current premiums agreed under the policy will be charged with effect from the date of arrival in Singapore.

4. Employer/Group Policyholder must declare and submit the IPA, with the date of arrival of the employee/dependant to AXA, prior to their arrival in Singapore. 

General Exclusion(s)

1. Any mandatory tests for COVID-19, but not limited to, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Swab Test or Antigen Rapid Test, upon arrival in Singapore, which does not result to hospitalisation for COVID-19.

2. Charges relating to Quarantine or Stay-Home-Notice (SHN) facilities.

3. If the Employee/dependant is not hospitalised for COVID-19.

AXA reserves the right to revise the term and conditions of this offer should there be any changes in the COVID-19 requirements and advisories from the any local government authorities.

All existing covered employees and dependents will have COVID-19 coverage on Day 1 of their arrival in Singapore as per the terms and conditions of their existing policy. They must be active service employee.

Active Service

An Employee shall be considered in Active Service if

(a) employed by the Policyholder on a full-time permanent basis, and

(b) actively working on a day which is one of the Policyholder’s scheduled work days, and

(c) performing in a customary manner all the regular duties of his employment with the Policyholder on a full-time basis that day.

Employees on no pay leave, for whatever reasons shall not be considered in Active Service.